
gDiapers Little gPants 2-Pack Orange & Vanilla

A baby in disposable diapers puts an average of 6,000 diapers into the landfill, if he or she is trained as a vase. Plastic-based coatings take about 500 years to decompose. What do parents worry about the environment? With gDiapers, you can have the convenience of disposable diapers and avoid damage to the planet. In fact, gDiapers even help the environment. Enjoy this gDiapers Starter Kit, which can be used in infants, 8 to 14 pounds

July 2, 2008
By Edurne "EMK" (USA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: gDiapers Little gPants 2-Pack Orange & Vanilla, Medium (Health and Beauty)
I love gDiapers! I tried them because they are the greenest option, and also found them to be very practical. Flushing the inserts is very easy, and though it's an extra step it's really not that much work, especially for all the benefits for the planet, and thus our children. That also means no diaper pail to empty.
Fitting them correctly takes a little practice, but once you get the hang of it there are no leaks. I recommend watching the videos on the gDipers website.
As for performance I get fewer leaks with these than with disposables. My water pressure is great so I can flush the inserts without swishing.
The only con is the price, since they are the most expensive diapers and they are not easy to find in stores. Of course the price is because of the materials they use and that they don't produce them by the billions like other brands. Hopefully as more people use them they'll become more affordable and available. Because of this I use cloth diapers at home and gDiapers when traveling or on long outings. Also the gDiapers covers (little g's) can be used as a cover for cloth diapers (using a cloth insert instead of the flushable insert).
A final recommendation: even though they have little g's in lots of colors and patterns on their website, it's cheaper to get several starter kits than to buy little g's separately, if you don't mind only sticking to the two colors that come in the starter kit.

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